Monday, August 9, 2010

"You Need A New Blog Post"

I woke up to these words on my FB wall from my girl Nadia, and thought....Hmmm. Maybe today is the day I sit down and actually put down some thoughts. I have thought about "confessing" lately and haven't gotten around to it....So here goes Nadia:)


Matthew 5:48 (The Message)
"In a word, what I'm saying is, GROW UP. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created IDENTITY. Live generously and graciously towards others, the way God lives towards you."

This passage of scripture has been on my heart a lot lately. As I walk through this life with my Savior, I find myself wanting more and more of what He has for me. I am constantly in awe of His plans. I want to GROW UP and live out my God given identity. But what does that look like? How do I find out what that is? Who am I? I mean, I know I'm a child of God....I know I'm an Eve, created in His image....but WHO AM I?? What are the answers to these questions here on earth....during my short life?

I'll tell you what I want to be. I want to be a woman of influence in the kingdom of God, I want to be a respectful wife, I want to be a loving mommy, I want to be a caring friend, I want to be a kind neighbor, I want to be a wise mentor, I want to be healthy, I want to be a good example, I want to be creative....these are all my WANTS in the flesh.

Ephesians 5:2 (NKJV)
"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."

An imitator of God?? Walk in love as Christ did?? Give myself as an offering and a sacrifice unto God as a sweet-smelling aroma?? Can I even come close to this?? This could completely overwhelm me! However, I've come to, I can't come close. BUT God has called me to give it all I've got. Just so you all know, I fully intend to give it ALL!

So, as I sift through all of these emotions, I am comforted by my Savior. He made me just the way I am. My IDENTITY currently is wife, mom, daughter, friend, neighbor, and teacher. God is using me today differently than He will use me in 5 years. My Spiritual gifts that I have now, may look totally different later. I am taking comfort in the fact that as I seek Him daily, He will reveal everything I need to know in the perfect time. I always want to know what's coming and plan for it. God says chill out Eve and trust me! I've got this! So, I give it to You Lord! Show me daily what I can handle and what You have for me. I will do my best to be patient and faithful. My God is SO faithful to me, the least I can do is give Him my faith and trust and follow after Him.

So today I woke up early and worked out. Then I came to my "spot" and spent time with my Lord. As I do this daily, He is able to speak to me through His word. If you're not reading your Bible....DO IT! God WILL show Himself to you! It may not be immediate, but stay faithful and steady! What starts as a discipline, will become a delight! I used to find it so difficult to "find the time" to read my Bible. I can happily say it is now a delight of mine and one I rarely miss. Find a friend and keep each other accountable. Keep a journal on what God says to you each day. You will be amazed at your Savior and how He is SO faithful to show Himself to you daily!

Please friends, join me in this life of searching! Let's make our Daddy proud and be the "Eve" that He created us to be! Don't settle for the lies of the devil! Shut that little stinker up!

Love you
